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Bridging Governance & Education to Drive Engagement in Family Businesses

Jan 25, 2024 5:00 PM

Engagement remains an elusive target for numerous family businesses, often requiring a delicate equilibrium between purpose, knowledge, and execution. In our upcoming webinar titled ‘Bridging Governance & Education to Drive Engagement‘, we’ll delve into the core assertion that unlocking engagement hinges on discovering the precise fusion of purpose, knowledge, and execution. Engagement remains an elusive target for numerous family businesses, often requiring a delicate equilibrium between these essential elements.

Governance and Education stand as cornerstones in this endeavor, representing ongoing investments that demand perpetual evaluation and refinement to sustain their intrinsic value. Yet, they aren’t mutually exclusive; they coexist in a symbiotic relationship. Placing individuals into governance roles devoid of background, context, or a developmental trajectory proves ineffective. Similarly, expecting individuals to grasp education devoid of broader context and comprehension risks fostering disengagement – a pitfall we aim to steer clear of.

Our webinar aims to illuminate the strategies deployed by family businesses to tackle the inherent challenges faced by family businesses in the realms of governance and education. We’ll explore how technology emerges as a pivotal tool in addressing these challenges, offering innovative solutions and avenues for improvement.

Join us as we navigate the terrain of family business challenges and unveil insights into cultivating the ideal blend between governance and education. Discover how your family enterprise can embark on this transformative journey towards holistic engagement and enhanced effectiveness.