Fundada por Edouard Thijssen y Edouard Janssen para dotar a las empresas familiares y family offices multigeneracionales de herramientas de gobierno y colaboración adaptadas a sus necesidades únicas.
A common challenge all family businesses face is transitioning the business to the next generation. Developing a strategy to do this effectively is pivotal for families to achieve success and thrive across generations. Join Emanuela Rondi, Associate Professor at the University of Bergamo, and Enrico Viora, Business Development Director at Trusted Family, as they discuss how families can nurture and develop responsible family owners.
Their discussion will cover the following themes:
Beyond the family firm: Grasping the entrepreneurial family galaxy as the ecosystem of values, goals and organizations through which the entrepreneurial family can enhance its value across generations.
What does “Next Gen” Involvement Mean for Entrepreneurial Families? Explore the significance of involving the next generations in the entrepreneurial family galaxy by identifying the multiple roles in ownership, governance, management, leadership and entrepreneurship.
Preparing the entrepreneurial family for smooth transition: Learn entry and exit strategies to ensure a seamless transition to the next generation. Develop initiatives to engage next generations.